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The IGB Postdoctoral Association provides professional guidance and social opportunities for post-doctoral scholars.

We hold seminars to inform postdocs of the tools and services available at IGB, organize workshops and resources for career development, and host events to encourage social interaction and professional collaboration between members of the community. Every postdoctoral researcher at IGB is welcome to contribute their ideas and suggestions for events.

For further information, contact

Resources for Postdoctoral Researchers

Graduate College Resources for Postdoctoral Scholars

The Graduate College serves postdoctoral scholars and their faculty mentors by enhancing the postdoctoral experience and cultivating professional development opportunities. Learn more about the resources for new postdocs, current postdocs, and faculty.

sign up for the Gradlinks mailing list

International Student and Scholar Services

Committed to providing culturally sensitive services of the highest quality, ISSS strives to create an environment that is conducive to a successful educational, personal, and professional experience. ISSS serves our international population and campus units through advising, immigration services, programming, advocacy, and outreach.

visit the isss website

Get involved with Outreach activities and opportunities

The IGB Outreach group welcomes volunteers to take part in our wide range of outreach activities.

Visit the Molecule Maker Lab Institute (MMLI) education and outreach section to learn of their current projects.

Information on the Cena y Ciencias program and Project Microbe can be found on the Genomics and Eco-evolution of Multi-scale Symbioses (GEMS) education and outreach section.

igb outreach

Professional Skills for Careers in Biosciences (PSCB)

The PSCB workshop series is intended for graduate students and postdocs to develop and enhance their universal job skills, including communication, professionalism, marketing, budgeting, and leadership. Each of the thirteen workshops throughout the year will cover topics related a variety of bioscience career paths, including academia, industry, entrepreneurship, policy, teaching, science writing, and others.

learn more about pscb

Postdoctoral Research Associate Development Plan (PDP)

The goal of the IGB postdoctoral research associate development plan (PDP) is to assist IGB postdoctoral researchers in becoming independent, high-quality scientists with strong project management and administrative skills.  As part of the development plan, the IGB postdoctoral research associate will receive guidance and practical experience in written and oral communication skills, preparation of grant proposals, teaching, mentoring and laboratory management skills, responsible professional practices, and career counseling.

pdp template

National Postdoc Association

Become a member on the National Postdoc Association to receive access to their online resources!

join the Npa

IGB postdoctoral researchers should select "Affiliate Individual Member, Postdoc" and must provide their institutional e-mail address ( as the primary or alternate address to receive free membership.

Science Careers Individual Development Plan (myIDP)

The Science Careers Individual Development Plan, or myIDP, provides exercises to help you examine your skills, interests, and values, as well as a list of 20 scientific career paths with a prediction of which ones best fit your skills and interests.

visit myidp